Feature Summary
The ability to import data into order guides was created to address the following issues and concerns:
Not every supplier will be adopted into the Birch Street application. Many states that control alcoholic beverage sales expressly prohibit the use of on-line ordering for alcoholic sprits and wine. Other suppliers may not have fully embraced technology and lack the technical skills to manage catalog content.
For suppliers that sell / service your hotel on a repetitive basis, and who do not currently have catalog content to select, we have developed the ability for the hotel to easily create and add the supplier’s product data to your order guides. This feature will require a complete understanding of the procedures and the differences (rules) associated with the process.
A few “rules of the road” before you begin…
This feature is only available to you if you have the ability to create Order Guides in Birch Street today. If you do not have the “rights” to create an Order Guide today, please ignore these instructions.
In order to add a supplier’s product to an order guide, we must control the format of the data that is to be loaded or imported. For this reason, we provide a specifically structured template, which is designed to maintain the data integrity.
You will be forced to create a new order guide each time you import data through the use of the template. You will not be able to import data into an existing order guide. If you wish to do this, follow these steps:
Import into a new Order Guide using this process
Copy items from the new OG to the existing OG.
You will be forced to select an existing supplier or create a new supplier when you import the product data. All order guide content must be tied or associated with a supplier. Note of caution – restrict the data to a single supplier. Do not attempt to import product from multiple suppliers within the same template.
Once the data has been successfully imported, the newly created order guide will be available the next business day. The new order guide will not be available the day you import the data. The Birch Street application uses an over-night process to examine the imported data to identify if any existing catalog content was inadvertently imported. If existing catalog content is identified, Birch Street will replace the product price of the data you provided, with the product price of the existing catalog content. For this reason, we force the over-night delay.
After you have successfully imported and created a new Order Guide, you will not be able to “export’ the order guide for future price updates. You should save the existing .csv file for future use.
1. From the Order Guide Tab, click on the “OG
Template” button.
2. If the File Download Box opens as indicated below, click Save. If
Template opens in Excel automatically, skip to step 5 and Resave
the file with a more appropriate file name, making sure to save with a
“.csv” file
3. Change the name to a more meaningful name and select a convenient location to Save the file. IMPORTANT: Do not change the file type from .csv.
4. Once
the Download has completed, click Open
to open the file.
5. Open the template in Excel. Enter the following Data on the template and save for upload. NOTE: One Supplier per Order Guide upload file. If the required fields are not populated, the item will not be added to the Order Guide. Do Not Edit Rows 1 through 3 on the template. IMPORTANT: Do not change the file type from .csv. Do not add, delete or rearrange any of the columns.
SUPPLIER_SKU (Required) – The Supplier’s Item Number.
(If Item # has leading zeros, prefix the item number with a leading “#” pound sign - ("00039 should be #00039").
QUANTITY (Optional) - The Quantity normally ordered
REQUESTED_UOM (Required) - The Item’s Unit of Measure
UNIT_TRX_PRICE (Optional) - The Item’s Price per UOM
ITEM_DESCRIPTION (Required) - The Item Description
SORT_ORDER (Optional) - The order the buyer would like to view the items in the Order Guide
MINIMUM_QTY (Optional) - The Minimum Par Inventory level for this item
MAXIMUM_QTY (Optional) - The Maximum Par Inventory level for this item
GL_ACCOUNT (Optional) - The standard GL Account that this item is typically charged to
6. When you Save the .csv file, you may receive the below prompt. Click Yes to continue the “save” process.
7. Return to V7 Application and click on the Import
OG button.
8. Click on Select Supplier button to select supplier to be associated with all items to be uploaded. Supplier may be a Catalog or Supplier on the Fly (S-O-T-F) supplier.
9. Enter the Supplier Name and select GO to search.
10. Select the correct Supplier
from the list. If the Supplier is not on the list available, click on
Add New Supplier button to begin
the process to add a new Supplier on the Fly (S-O-T-F).
11. Enter the New Supplier’s Fax Number and click on Search.
12. Type in the Required Data for the Supplier and click Save.
NOTE: Fields with white triangle/blue square
icon are Required Fields.
13. Select the Supplier on the Fly saved in previous step.
14. Enter a name for the Order Guide( Preceded with an asterisk(*) if you wish to share the OG with other users at the property). Click on Browse to select and Open saved .csv file for upload.
Click on Submit to upload.
IMPORTANT: The system allows you to create order guides with the same name as an existing order guide. Be sure you give the new order guide a name that is not already in use.
15. You will receive this message that indicates that the Order Guide has been successfully imported. NOTE: Imported Order Guides will NOT be not available for IMMEDIATE use. The Imported Order Guide WILL be available the following day.
Once you have access to the newly created order guide, you may re-sort the rows, add or change par levels, add G/L codes or add an * in front of the Order Guide name, if you wish to share the order guide with other users.
IMPORTANT – non-catalog content is not updated by your suppliers. It is your responsibility to update the content as often as necessary.
Please ensure you save the .cvs file for future use. The proceeding steps must be repeated, each time you want to upload new data. There is no “export” process in place today.
If you have imported an item, which does not appear after 24 hours, please check the .csv file to ensure all required fields had been populated. Correct the data and re-import the item(s) in question.