Recipe Application



The Recipe application within eProcurement is intended to address several business requirements within the hotel/restaurant industry. Recipe is integrated with the existing catalog, order guide and cart functionality enabling creation of a Requisition or Purchase Order. When REQ is used, the benefit of Inventory tracking is activated.


With the Recipe application, users will be able to:

  1. Determine profitability of menu items – calculate the sell price for a meal based upon a certain percentage of profitability.

  2. Determine profitability of Restaurants (Outlets) – reports are available to calculate the COGS (Cost of Goods Sold).

  3. Ensure uniform quality of menu items (standardized menus).

  4. Provide ease of ordering – including a recipe within a recipe.

  5. Allow substitution of seasonal products or using What If Scenarios


Recipe Process Flow


  1. Once a dish/recipe is setup for the first time, it can be used over and over with only updating the number of servings needed to create the REQ or PO. The general process flow is as follows:


  3. With a completed recipe, it can now go through the approval process.


  5. The recipe can now be categorized, or put on the menu where others will find it activated for use.


  7. The final step is to determine the number of servings required and create a REQ or PO.


  9. If needed, create a What If copy of a dish/recipe, modify it, then save it as a new recipe.


Dish/Recipe Creation

A dish/recipe is made up of general information, referred to as Header information. Once the header information is created, then ingredients (detail items) are added to the Dish/Recipe header from the Catalog search, Non-catalog creation, Order Guide or Cart.


Once the ingredients are present, editing and updating can take place. The Portion UOM must be selected and the conversion factor verified or entered. This will calculate the cost and allow recalculation to help determine the profit margin and price. If scaling the recipe, adjustments can be made to the quantities.


You can create a dish/recipe from either the Recipe Menus tab or the Dish/Recipe tab.



Recipe type

Select from the dropdown list either Dish or Recipe. A Dish is made up of a recipe(s) and ingredients. A Recipe is made up of ingredients.

Dish/Recipe name

Type in a name for the Dish/Recipe as you would like it to appear in the system.


Add any additional information relating to the Dish/Recipe.

Number of servings

Enter the number of servings this Dish/Recipe will make.

Profit margin

Enter the number of percent profit margin desired. The system uses the cost and profit margin to calculate the price. This figure is stored with the header information. You can change the profit margin in Header Update. You can also calculate “what if” profit margins on the Dish/Recipe tab.

Trx currency

Enter or zoom to select the Currency for this Dish/Recipe. [This field is only visible if using multi-currency.]

Exchange rate

Enter the exchange rate comparing the Dish/Recipe currency and your home currency. [This field is only visible if using multi-currency.]

Dish/recipe price

Enter the Price for this Dish/Recipe. This is not a calculated field. It is only updated by using Header update.

Internal only



Enter or zoom to select the Outlet (department) code.


Enter a user created classification for the Dish/Recipe. This is a free form field.


Add to Recipe Detail items

Once the header information is created, then ingredients (detail items) are added to the Dish/Recipe header using Add to Recipe from:

As many different suppliers as are necessary for the recipe can be included. The actual portion used in the recipe will be updated on the Dish/Recipe tab.


If adding items to a What If record, make sure the What If record is loaded before beginning.



Note: If there are items that need to be added to the recipe that will not be included in the final REQ/PO creation, then use the supplier 88888 Unknown Supplier. Items such as water or labor expenses need to be included in the recipe but not on a PO.


Dish/Recipe Update and Edit

Once the Dish/Recipe has been created, it can be updated. The header information and detail item information can be edited from the Dish/Recipe tab.

Loading the Dish/Recipe for Edit

New dish/recipe

  1. Load a new dish/recipe from the Dish/Recipe tab. Click the tab Dish/Recipe.

  2. Click My New Dishes. This will display a list of Dishes/Recipes that have the status of New.

  3. Any already defined items will display.



Active dish/recipe

  1. Load an existing dish/recipe from the Recipe Menus tab. Click the Recipe Menus tab.

Note: To be included in the Quick Search or Category search, the dish/recipe must:

  1. Use the Advanced Search, the Quick Search or Category Search to locate the dish/recipe.

  2. Note: The Advanced Search will display dish/recipes that are inactive.



  3. From the dish/recipes presented, select the one for editing. Click Load Dish.


  5. The dish/recipe is loaded with the detail items and the focus is moved to the Dish/Recipe tab.


Header Update

Header Update allows editing the general information about the dish/recipe. There are two sections to this window: the regular header information plus nutritional information (scroll down to see the second section).


In the regular header information section, there are three additional fields not available on the Create Recipe window and are described here.


Target price

The Target price is similar to the same feature on the Order Guide tab. If the cost per serving exceeds the Target price entered here, then the Cost will be highlighted in yellow.



Dish/Recipe cost

The dish/recipe cost is calculated and displayed here. This is a per dish/recipe cost, not a per serving cost.

Menu category ID

Enter or zoom to select the Menu Category ID. This category is entered manually and used for reporting purposes. This should not be confused with the feature to add the dish/recipe to the menu using Add Dish to Menu. Note: This field is only visible if the dish/recipe is activated.




The second section is used to enter the nutritional value information.


Dish/Recipe Detail

There are two places to update the detail item information: Editing within the grid and Edit Item window.

Editing within the Grid

When the item is first added to the recipe, the Portion UOM and Portion quantity are identical to the Order UOM and Order quantity. This information needs updating to match the recipe. The Order UOM must be verified / edited before the Portion UOM and conversion factor is set up.


Important Note: To save your changes, make sure the select checkbox is checked and click Update Detail.


Portion UOM

  1. In the Portion UOM column, click Change to zoom to select the UOM. These UOMs are regular Order UOMs and UOMs created specifically for Recipe. (Example: CUP, TSP, etc.)

  2. Scroll or enter a text search to locate the desired Portion UOM.

  3. Click Select. (Example: The Order UOM may be CS for 20 pounds of avocados but Portion UOM may be 3 EA for this recipe.)

Portion Qty

In the Portion qty field, enter the quantity expressed in the Portion UOM. Decimal quantities are allowed. (Example: 3 EA of avocado for one recipe that serves 6 people.)

Yield %

Enter the percentage of Yield for the item. Enter only the number. Do not enter the percent symbol. Decimal quantities are allowed. Yield refers to the usable quantity of the item. (Example: 1 avocado has a yield of 75% because the large seed and skin are not edible. Enter 75.)


Scaling is a way to adjust the number of portion servings that a recipe makes. You can either increase or decrease the servings. However, not all items should be scaled.

Check the Scalable checkbox if this item should be included when the recipe is scaled.

Scale qty

If the item is scaled to 100% (the Recipe yields = Calculate for # of Servings) then the Scale qty and the Portion qty will be identical.

If the item is doubled (the Servings is twice the Recipe yields) then the Scale qty is multiplied by 2.


However, certain items like seasonings should not scale 200%. Cooks say that instead of doubling the amount of seasonings, you should expect to use only about 1 ½ times the original amount. (Example: Doubling the recipe of 2 TBS would be 4 TBS. You should modify the amount to 3 TBS.)


  1. Enter the amount of servings in the Calculate for # of Servings field. This will automatically update the Scaled qty field.

  2. Note: If the Scaled qty has already been saved, this qty will display when the recipe is reloaded. It will recalculate when a new number of servings is entered.

  3. Enter the Scaled qty. Numbers only, decimal quantities are allowed.


Order UOM

The Order UOM is populated when the item originally is added to the dish/recipe. The only Order UOMs available are those offered by the supplier. Type in or zoom to select the Order UOM desired.

Order Qty

The Order Qty is populated when the item originally is added to the dish/recipe. This quantity can be overwritten with any quantity desired, however it will be automatically updated based on the Number of Servings, Portion qty, Conversion factor, Yield % and Scale qty. The Order Unit Price and Order Extended Amount will be automatically calculated.

Edit Item

  1. With the recipe loaded, select the item (ingredient) to edit by placing a checkmark in the corresponding box. Only check one item at a time.

  2. Click Edit Item to open the Edit Item window.


Depending on whether the item is a catalog item or non-catalog item, certain fields are disabled.



Scaling the Recipe

A recipe is created for a certain number of servings. For usage of more than the basic recipe servings, the ingredients need to be increased (or decreased) to match the exact number of the expected usage. There are three fields that do the calculation:

  1. = servings that are equal to the recipe, 2.0 = twice the servings, .5 = half the servings)


  1. Load a dish/recipe from the Recipe Menus tab or a new dish/recipe from the Dish/Recipe tab.

  2. Enter the number of servings required for this usage in Calculate for # of Servings. (Example: Original recipe serves 12, usage required is 250 servings)

  3. Click Recalculate. The scale factor is updated. (Example: Scale factor is 20.8333) To serve 250 you need to make this recipe almost 21 times.

  4. Note: The Order Quantity is automatically increased to match the scale factor for this event.



  5. Select the items to be included. To select all items, click the All checkbox in the column heading. Click Create REQ or Create PO to create a document for purchasing. The standard e-Procurement Create REQ or Create PO window will open. Continue in the same manner as a regular document created from the Search Results or Order Guide.


Note: The Order Qty is calculated based on the Number of servings and will be used to generate the document. The Order Qty can be modified either here or in the REQ or PO Print / View / Edit.



View subrecipe checkbox

A dish can be made up of multiple recipes. You can view, scale and create a PO(s) after displaying the subrecipe’s ingredients. Before the subrecipe detail is displayed, the recipe header alone is displayed.



  1. Place a check mark in the View subrecipe checkbox. Click GO. This will display all the ingredients of all Subrecipes.


Note: the individual ingredients cannot be modified in the Subrecipe view. To modify the ingredients of a Subrecipe, edit the recipe itself.



Create PO / Create REQ with Subrecipes

When a dish is loaded to create a PO or REQ, you must click View subrecipe checkbox and click GO first to display all the ingredients.


Profit Percentage

The Profit percentage entry field is used to determine the Selling price. The default is user-defined when the dish/recipe is first created or updated in the Recipe Header Update.

  1. Enter the estimated Profit percentage and click Recalculate.

  2. The Selling price is calculated and displayed based on the cost multiplied by the Profit percentage. The Selling price and Profit percentage are only temporary values. Change the Profit percentage and Recalculate as many times as necessary to determine the actual Selling price.



  4. Once the Profit percentage and Selling price are determined, you can update these figures in the Header Update window. By updating the information in the Header Update, this will be the default the next time the dish/recipe is used.



Convert metric checkbox

It may be that a recipe is written in standard US measurements but the user wants to have it converted into Metric units. In the Unit of Measure setup, metric units are designated as such and a conversion factor is established. Once this is done the conversion can take place.

  1. Load the recipe.

  2. Place a checkmark in the Convert Metric checkbox and click Recalculate.



The Portion UOM is now changed to a Metric UOM and made to be display only.

The Portion qty is now converted to correspond to the Metric UOM.

Note: Those items that are not specifically metric (box, case, each, etc.) are not converted.



Standard US











Ounce Fluid















Pint – Liquid





Quart – Liquid
















Add Dish/Recipe to Menu

In order for a dish/recipe to be available when searching and using the category path, it has to be added to the menu. You will want to add both dishes and recipes.

Add Recipe to Menu

  1. Load a recipe from the Recipe Menus tab or a new recipe from the Dish/Recipe tab.

  2. Click Add Dish to Menu. A window will open.

  3. Note: This button is also available from the Advanced Search Dish/Recipe List.

  4. The loaded Dish ID will default or select another.

  5. Type in or zoom to select the Menu ID.

  6. Type in or zoom to select the Menu category ID.

  7. Click Save.


Add Recipe to Dish

  1. Use the Advanced search on the Recipe Menus tab to display the recipes.

  2. From the Advanced search result Dish/Recipe list, select the recipe you want to add to a dish.

  3. Click Save.

Dish/Recipe Activation

Before a dish/recipe can be made available to generate a REQ or PO, it must be activated.

  1. Click Activate Recipe from the Recipe Menus tab.

  2. From the Activate Recipe window, select what items you want to activate. Select from the three areas:

  3. Click Generate List to view the selection.


  5. Place a checkmark in the Select box for the dish/recipe to make active.

  6. Click Set Item to Active to activate the dish/recipes selected. They will now be available in the dish/recipe search.