



The receiving process matches up the quantity ordered, the quantity received and the quantity invoiced by the supplier. Only POs that have a status of Accepted by supplier are available for receiving. If using the budgeting feature, the budget will be updated to reflect what was really received and at what price.


  1. From the PO tab, select the PO that has been Accepted by supplier.

  2. Click Receive to open the Receiving Screen. The record will load automatically.


Note: The Receiving Screen can also be accessed from the Main Menu under Procurement.

Receiving Options

There are several options for receiving:

Cancel PO

  1. Select a receiving record that has the status of Accepted by Supplier or Fax/Email Accepted.

  2. On the PO Header – Receiving tab, enter a Received date and add a Cancel reason code from the select window.

  3. Note: The default Invoice discount amount and Invoice freight amount entry has no effect if changed when doing Cancel PO.

  4. Click Cancel PO. There is not automatic email notification sent to the supplier. The buyer must contact the supplier directly.

  5. Status is updated to Buyer cancelled. Budget records are reversed completely.



Receiving Header Information

Important Note: The Invoice discount amount and Invoice freight amount are defaulted from the original PO or last saved receiving record. Ensure these fields are updated for each receipt.

You will also see the PO Status is grayed out and cannot be changed manually. The PO Status will update automatically once you have received your items and click the Update button or the Cancel PO button if you are cancelling the PO.

Once your PO Status is Completely Received, you will be able to change the status if necessary. For example, if you need to do a return of damaged products and need to change the status back to Partially Received.


Receive All

  1. Enter all general information on the PO Header – Receiving tab. Invoice information refers to the Supplier’s invoice. Update any discount or freight from the Supplier’s invoice.

  2. Click Line Items to go to the detail tab.

  3. Check Receive/Accept All checkbox

  4. This will automatically populate Accepted Quantity and Invoiced price as it was originally entered on the PO. You can see the detail by clicking Edit.

  5. Change the Invoice tax amount per detail row as needed. If using taxing authorities, the tax will use the same percentage(s) as is used in the original PO.

  6. Click Save to simply save the record for further editing or click Update to create the receiving record. Status is updated to Receiving Complete if all rows were selected, or Partially received if not all rows were selected.

Receive Remaining

Important Note: If you have partially received an item already, no not use the Receive All feature with any subsequent receipts. If you do, the entire tax amount will be incorrectly applied for the second receipt. Instead, manually enter the Accepted quantity and Invoice price in the upper grid or click Edit to enter the same information and the tax will be correctly applied.

Partial Receipt

First Partial Shipment

  1. Record a receipt for each shipment received on a PO. Enter the information relating to this shipment. Update any discount or freight from the Supplier’s invoice.

  2. Click Line Items to go to the detail tab.

  3. Enter the partial shipment quantity in the Acpt’d qty field in the upper grid. The Invoiced price will default. Change the price if needed.

  4. Note: Do not click on the Receive Accept All checkbox or the Cancel Remaining Qty checkbox.

  5. You can see the detail by clicking Edit.

  6. Click Save to simply save the record for further editing or click Update to create the receiving record. Status is updated to Partially Received.


    Second Partial Shipment

  8. Record a receipt for additional shipments in the same manner.

  9. When all items are fully received, the status is updated to Receiving Complete.


Cancel Remaining

Receive shipment(s) in the normal manner. In a new receiving record, if there is a quantity remaining and it will not be received, than use the Cancel Remaining feature.


  1. Enter all general information on the PO Header – Receiving tab. Invoice information refers to the Supplier’s invoice.

  2. Click Line Items to go to the detail tab.

  3. Click Cancel Remaining Qty checkbox

  4. You can see the detail by clicking Edit.

  5. Click Save to simply save the record for further editing or click Update to create the receiving record. Status is updated to Receiving Complete when all rows have been accounted for.


Partial Receipt/Cancel Remaining

  1. Enter all general information on the PO Header – Receiving tab. Invoice information refers to the Supplier’s invoice.

  2. Click Line Items to go to the detail tab.

  3. Enter the quantity received in the upper grid on a specific row.

  4. Click Cancel Remaining Qty checkbox on the same row.

  5. Click Edit to make additional modifications.

  6. Click Save to simply save the record for further editing or click Update to create the receiving record. Status is updated to Receiving Complete when all rows have been accounted for.

Substitute Items

Suppliers may have to substitute a like item in order to fulfill the PO with the agreement of the buyer.

  1. Click Edit on the row to receive a substitute item.

  2. Check the box Substitute item. This will reveal additional substitute item fields.

  3. Enter the Substitute item #, Item name, Item price.

  4. Enter the Accepted quantity, Invoiced quantity, Invoice tax amount and Invoiced price.

  5. Click OK to save the row. Click Save to save the record or Update if entry is completed.



Catch Weight Items

Catch weight items may be received by either the Order UOM or the Price UOM that the catalog supplier has defined for the item.  Examples of catch weight items are meat, fish and produce.  These are items that you order by the piece (PC) or case (CS) but are shipped to you by the pound (LBS).  This allows the receiver to enter in the pound quantity instead of having to convert it manually to the case quantity.

  1. Click Edit on the row next to the catch weight product

  2. Notice the Receive By drop down list is set to the Price UOM and the order quantity is 10 Cases

  1. Change the Receive By drop down list option from Order UOM to Price UOM. This will change the Received UOM to LBS as shown below. The Variance  field will show the average number of pounds that are in 10 Cases (in this example 22.5)

  2. Enter the number of pounds actually received for this item in the Accepted Quantity field

  1. In the example shown above, 22.6 pounds were received, so a -0.100 variance is reflected in the Variance field. This is the difference between the average weight of 10 Cases, and the actual weight received.

  2. Click OK to save the row. Click Save to save the record or Update if entry is completed.

  1. The Line Items tab and the Receiving Record will correctly reflect a total of 10.0444 Cases received.

Note: Only Adopted Supplier products are set up as catch weight items in the system. Punchout Supplier and Supplier on the Fly products cannot be set up as catch weight items. They can only be received in the unit of measure listed in the Order UOM field.


Budgeting Adjustments

During the receiving process, budget adjustments are made to account for any differences in:

Even if there are no differences, budget adjustment records are made that equal one another.


Important: This field should be updated for each receipt.

Important: This field should be updated for each receipt.


Receiving Report

Click Receiving Record to display the Receiving information for the last receipt generated. Once a new record has been generated, previous records are no longer available from the Receiving Screen



If substitute items are received, they will be displayed with an * (asterisk).


Note: You can find any previously generated Receiving Records on the Reconciliation Screen using the Link to Corrected Inv button.


Link to Corrected Inv

Click Link to Corrected Invoice to open the Reconciliation Screen. The receiving record will automatically load or select another record from the navigation list. From this screen you can make any final adjustments to match the supplier’s invoice to the receiving record.


Handling Returns for Replacement

The standard process for handling Returns for Replacement can be done on the Receiving Screen. If your Purchase Order was previously completely received, you will need to begin the process by changing your purchase order status back to Partially Received.

  1. Change the Update Status to drop down list to Partially Received

  2. Update the Received Date field with the current receiving date

  1. Click Line Items to go to the detail tab.

  2. Click Edit on a specific row to open the detail section.

  3. Enter a negative amount for the quantity you are returning in the Accepted Quantity field.

  4. Once you are done entering the quantity for your return, click OK to close the detail section.

  1. Click Save to save the record for further editing or click Update to create the receiving record. Status will be updated to Partially Received.

  2. Once the damaged items have been replaced by the supplier, enter the number of items received as in a normal receiving transaction.

  3. Once all damaged items have been replaced marked as received on the receiving record, the status of the Purchase Order will be updated automatically to Receiving Complete.


Inventory Order Guide

When integrated with the Inventory feature, the receiving process updates the item’s On-Hand Quantity, On-Order Quantity and the last Inventory Cost Amount.


If substitute items are included, they will be added to the storeroom’s order guide.