AP Invoice Tab
After clicking the Generate Invoice button from the Reconciliation screen or the AP Invoice tab, the resulting documents can be found on the AP Invoice tab.
Button Descriptions
Note: Many features require security rights. If a tab or button is not visible to you, your position does not have security access.
Approval Details
Allows the buyer to determine who has the document during the approval process. (See below.)
Generate Invoice
Allows the buyer to generate AP Invoices from Receiving/Reconciliation records.
Allows the buyer to track changes made to selected fields in the document.
Print / View
Shows the buyer a printable version of the generated AP Invoice.
If Approvals is turned on, the AP Invoice is routed through the approval process. If approvals is not used then changes
the AP Invoice status from New to Invoice Complete (changes are no longer allowed).
Transmit AP
Transmits AP Invoices with a status of Invoice Complete to the customer's optionally integrated AP Oracle system
Approval Details button
This button allows the buyer to determine who has the document during the approval process, for display only.
For Approval on the Fly, there will be one active entry plus all the previous entries and their
statuses (when it was approved and for how much).
For Standard Approvals, there can be several people as a group waiting for one of them to approve the document, plus all
the previous entries.
Generate Invoice button
This button allows the buyer to search for and generate a list of receiving records with corresponding Purchase Order numbers from which invoices can be created.
Note: If the Control Total feature is turned on in Reconciliation, the only receiving records which will appear are those for which the Control Total amount matches the Invoice Totals.
Once the receiving records are selected, invoices can be created in the system that match the paper invoice from the supplier.
Once a list is generated, select the Receiving Record(s) and click the Create Invoice button to create a system copy of the paper invoice.
History button
This button allows the buyer to review status changes along with who made the changes, as well as the date and time which they were made.
Print/View button
This button allows the buyer to review and print the system copy of the supplier's paper invoice. Any differences between the PO details, Receiving information, and amounts recorded in Reconciliation will be displayed. The total differences will be listed in the Variance section.
Submit button
This button allows the user to submit one Invoice at a time. Submitting the invoice will submit it through any approval work flow as defined by the customer. If no approvals are required, submitting the invoice marks it as validated, complete, and ready to either match in Birch Street or transmit to the customer's optionally integrated Oracle AP system.
If any information such as invoice number, invoice date, etc are missing or invalid, the Submit feature will not work until all required information is entered correctly on the AP Invoice screen.
Transmit AP button
This button will allow the customer to transmit all invoices with a status of Invoice Complete in bulk to the optionally integrated Oracle AP system. All invoices transmitted will be part of one batch, and any credit memos will automatically be created and transmitted.
Note: Invoices can be transmitted individually from the AP Invoice screen. Invoices transmitted individually will be sent in a batch containing the one invoice to the optionally integrated Oracle AP system
Once an invoice is transmitted, the status will change to 'Transmitted'
Invoice Statuses
Invoice Complete: If an optional Oracle AP system is integrated, the status will change to 'Invoice Complete'.
Not Matched: Once submitted, if matching is being utilized the status will change to 'Not Matched'. If the optional auto matching feature is being utilized, all invoices will automatically be matched at set times.
Matched: If the optional auto matching feature is being utilized, the AP Invoice header information will be compared by the system against the PO Receipts. If there are no differences, the status will be changed to 'Matched'..
Exception: If the optional auto matching feature is being utilized, the AP Invoice header information will be compared by the system against the PO Receipts. If there are any differences, an exception will be generated and the status will be changed to 'Exception'. Any invoices with a status of 'Exception' will need to be manually matched to determine the cause of the discrepancy.
Hold: If an invoice has been placed on hold using the AP Invoice screen, the status will be displayed as 'Hold'
AP Credit Memo: This status will be given to any credit memos automatically created when an invoice is transmitted.
Edit Link
The Edit Link feature next to each invoice will bring up the AP Invoice screen where invoices can be edited prior to submitting or for manual matching purposes.