Buyer PO Tab



After clicking the Create PO button from the Catalog, Order Guide, or Cart tabs, the resulting document can be found on the PO tab. 


Button Descriptions

Accept CO

Allows you to accept the supplier’s request for Change Order. The active PO incorporates the supplier’s changes and is given a suffix of –C001. If using budgeting, the budget is not decremented until the supplier confirms his acceptance of the Change Order.

Add Addt'l Info

Allows you to add additional information to the PO. The button updates an internal purchase order number and tracking number. 

Add to cart

Allows you to put items from the existing PO into the Cart as a staging area to create a PO, REQ, RFQ, or Recipe. When used, they are removed from the cart.

Add to OG

Allows you to add items from the existing PO to an order guide. If using inventory, it is good to stage items in the Cart first before creating/adding to an inventory order guide.

Approval Details

Allows you to see the approval process flow as well as who the current approver is.


Allows you to include an attachment to a document that can be viewed internally only (within the property) or viewed by the supplier. Those attached to a PO will be sent to the suppler, on-line or via email. Attachments are not included with POs sent as a fax.

Budget Impact (Budget Reserve)

Allows you to view the budget disbursement for the PO. Options are for This PO only, and for any department for which the buyer has security access. Information about the budget, reserve amount, and POs in the approval process is calculated to display a real-time picture of monies available. Within this window is the Budget Reserve feature that allows the user to “artificially” transfer unused budget from one GL account to another.

Buyer Contact

Allows you to view basic information about the buyer associated with the document.

Change GL Acct

Allows you to add/modify GL Account information on a PO after it has been accepted by the supplier with statuses of Accepted by supplier, Fax/email/csv accepted, Fax failed connection not made. This is primarily used for Punchout POs that do not have GL information when created but can be used with other POs as well. Not valid with Storeroom POs or POs with Budget Allocations.

Copy PO

Allows you to copy an existing PO to modify with new information. Various fields are reset to make it a new PO.

Create items

Takes you back to the Catalogs tab with the “Create non-catalog items” button displayed.

Delete PO

Allows you to delete a PO only if the status is one of the following: New, Approval denied, Approved, Approved w/changes, Rejected by Supplier, Buyer cancelled (during receiving), Fax failed.

Header Update

Allows you to update many fields on the PO Header record while the status is New.


This feature allows the buyer to see the changes made to the document.


Allows you to create a note to travel along with the document. Notes will print in the body of the document for on-line and off-line Suppliers via fax and email. If the “Notes viewed internally only” checkbox is selected, the notes will not go to the Supplier.

PO Recall

Allows you to recall a PO from an approver if the status is Approval pending without response from the Approver.

You can recall a PO from a supplier if the status is Submitted with no email notification, or request a recall is the status is Viewed by supplier or Accepted by supplier. If the supplier accepts the PO recall, the PO is marked as Recalled. If budgeting is turned on, budget entries are reversed by creating a budget adjustment to back out original charges. An email is sent to the buyer.

Print / View / Edit

Allows you to view the document and modify the contents while it is in a New status.

Print w/Details

Allows you to view the document and modify the contents while it is in a New status. It also includes the budget impact information and approval information at the end of the form.


Opens the Receiving entry screen. It allows Receive All, Cancel Remaining and Cancel PO. The receiving clerk can:

Cancel the entire PO by clicking on the “Cancel PO” button at the top of the entry screen.

Receive Confirm

Expedites complete receiving of a Confirming PO. The PO will be completely received using the entered Received date, Invoice number, Invoice amount, Invoice date.

Note: If for some reason the receipt is only partial, use the regular Receive button.

Receiving History

Allows you to open the Reconciliation Screen for AP reconciliation with the Supplier’s invoice.

Reject CO

Allows you to reject the supplier’s request for Change Order.  The active PO reverts back to the original PO. The supplier then has the option of accepting or rejecting the original PO.

Resubmit Apprv

Allows you to resubmit the PO back through the approval process when the status is either Approved or Approved w/Changes changing it to Approval Pending. The buyer cannot edit the PO.

Send Message

Allows you to send an email to the supplier regarding a specific PO.


Allows you to submit the PO either to the approvals process or, if no approvals are necessary, directly to the supplier (if the user has security rights). If the PO submission method is manual, the buyer must do this step manually after approvals. If the PO submission is automatic, submission will happen automatically after the last approval.

Supp Contact

Allows you to view basic information about the supplier contact.


Allows you to transfer (change ownership) the PO to another person. It makes the PO appear on the new person’s PO tab.

Update to New

Allows you to reset a PO status to New. This is only valid for SOTF or OFFLINE suppliers. Confirming POs and POs with Allocations are not available to make New.


Add Additional Info

Click on the Add Add’l Info button to quickly add information to two specific fields to the PO: Internal PO number and the Tracking number.

Approval Details button

Click on the Approval Details button to determine who has the approval during the approval process, for display only.


Budget Impact / Budget Reserve

Feature Summary

Feature Details

  1. From either the PO or the Approval Tab  access the button to launch the Budget Impact screen.

  2. On the Budget Impact window, notice that the impact to the selected GL account for the PO’s balance is negative. Only negative balance GL accounts for the current budget period may have a Budget Reserve placed on it.  If the user tries to create a reserve against a GL account with a positive End Balance, the system prompts the user with an error. To access the Budget Reserve feature first select the Budget Row with the negative balance and  click on the Create Reserve button.


    On the Reserve Account screen enter the GL Code of the GL code to “Artificially Transfer the balance to – the “To Account”.  The system reads the entire amount of the negative balance, and creates a new “reserve balance” on a separate GL code that will be subtracted from the calculated Current Balance for users who subsequently access any PO’s assigned to the “To Account”.  NOTE:  No budget is actually ever “moved”.  The Budget Reserve’s purpose is to create the illusion that one account is lower to cover actual overages in a different account.  Select the Magnifying Glass to access the Zoom to select the “To Account”

  4. On the Reserve Account screen, the “overdrawn” Balance for all rows selected will be added together and defaulted into the New reserved amount field. This amount can be modified. Enter or zoom to select a GL account on which to place this reserve amount. If there is an existing reserve amount, it will be displayed.  After the reserve amount has been placed on an account, when the budget impact is next viewed, the Budgeted Amount and Current Balance will be reduced by the reserved amount.

  5. NOTE: No actual budgeted amounts are modified. The Budget Reserve’s purpose is to create the illusion that the budgeted amount is lower for GL Account selected on the Reserve Account screen, to cover actual overages in the GL account(s).





  6. Select the desired GL code account from the Zoom window by clicking on the Select button. 

  7. NOTE: the column on the right side of the screen, Reserve amt.   After a GL code account has a reserve placed against it, the column will display that amount for future reference. for the remainder of the current period.  If a GL code has multiple reserves placed against it , the Reserve amt field will display the sum of all reserves placed against it. The amount displayed is the most recent amount placed on reserve.



  8. The Reserve Account screen displays the Budget Reserve information. Any existing reserve for the GL account selected is displayed in the “Reserve amount” field.  The calculated “New reserve amt” may be edited by the user.
    To post the new reserve, select the Submit button.


  10. A confirmation box is displayed upon successful submission of the new Budget Reserve request.

  11. Printing

    To Print a Budget Report with Budget Reserve data, access the appropriate report from the Main Menu.

    From the Report Parameter Screen select the appropriate columns and report parameter filters and click “Run”.

  12. Report results will be displayed.

Cancel PO buttonReceiving a Confirming PO

Feature Summary


The Cancel POReceive Confirm button provides a one-step process for completely receiving a Confirming PO..  allows you to cancel a PO upon receiving, provided a cancellation reason is entered.

Feature DetailsNOTE:  To enter a partial receipt of a Confirming PO, use the standard receiving functionality associated with the Receive button.


1. On the PO Tab, select a Confirming PO (Confirming PO’s are always visible in Red type) and click the ‘Receive Confirm’ button.PO with a status of either Accepted by Supplier or Fax/Email Accepted and click  the ‘Receive’Receive button which will open up the Receiving Screen.


2. On the Receiving Screen, Eenter the dateReceived Date (either manually, or using the calendar icon)  on the Pop-up window and click the Generate Receipt buttonZoomMagnify Glass icon next to the Cancel Reason Code field.: 



3. From the window, select the appropriate Cancellation code. 



4. Click the Cancel PO button. 




5. When asked whether you want to cancel the PO, click OK. 


6. Click OK when you receive the message ‘Processing is done.’ 


7. Closing the Receiving screen brings you back to the PO tab. Click Refresh and notice the status of the PO has changed to ‘Buyer Cancelled’.




8. IMPORTANT: At this point, the buyer should contact the supplier to notify them of the cancellation. The above process does not send out any message to the supplier regarding the cancellation.
.The Receiving Record is displayed and can be printed if desired.


Change GL Account

Feature Summary




Feature Details

  1. On the PO Tab, select a PO in one of the above listed statuses and click Change GL Acct.


  3. When you click the Change GL Acct button the following screen becomes visible.



  5. Click the Magnifying glass under the Department section.


  7. Select your Department, which will then auto-fill within the form.



  9. Click the magnifying glass under the GL Account section to select your GL Account.



  11. If you want only one line corrected then simply click save.  If you want to change all the line items then you can click Apply to all PO Lines, then the screen will look like this.







  13. When you are finished, click the save button. 


  15. Click OK and you are back to main PO tab.  To view your changes, click the Print/ View / Edit button.


  17. Scroll down your PO to the line items and you will see the changes.



Change Order

Feature Summary

The Change Order feature allows the supplier to initiate a change of the buyer’s PO. The supplier may want to change something on the PO like the quantity to provide a price break or use a substitute item, or change the freight.

  1. Buyer sends a PO to the on-line buyer. (This feature is not available to off-line suppliers.)

  2. The supplier receives the PO, but needs to make a change. He clicks on Create CO. A new supplier’s copy of the PO is created with a status of New CO.

  3. The supplier’s filter changes to the CO Awaiting Submission to Buyer filter where COs are waiting to be submitted to the buyer.

  4. The supplier clicks on Edit CO and the Supplier Change Order Screen is opened. (If the supplier changes his mind, he can revert back to the buyer’s original PO when he clicks on Undo CO.)

  5. The supplier makes the necessary changes and saves the CO. Supplier clicks on Submit CO to send his changes to the buyer.

  6. The buyer reviews the proposed changes and makes a decision whether to accept or reject the CO by clicking on Accept CO or Reject CO.

  7. If the CO is accepted, the changed PO becomes the active version with a PO number extension of -C001.

  8. If the CO is rejected, the original PO becomes the active version as if no request was ever made.

  9. The supplier must then respond to the original PO in the normal manner.

Feature Details

  1. After the buyer has submitted the PO to the Supplier, the Supplier responds by submitting a Change Order.


  3. Click on Print/View/Edit for the Change Order. Items that have been changed or added to the original PO are indicated with a + (plus) symbol.


  5. After reviewing the proposed changes, the buyer either clicks Accept CO or Reject CO.




Copy PO

This feature allows the buyer to copy an existing PO to modify and create a new PO. Various fields are reset to make it a new PO.


POs that are not allowed to be copied:


Note: The email address used is in the source PO. If the Buyer does a Copy PO, it will use the old email address. It doesn’t go back to the location to find the email address again.


PO Recall


It is understood that there are times when a buyer wishes to recall an order due to unforeseen circumstances. Examples may be that an event was canceled or the anticipated number of attendees has significantly increased or decreased, or the buyer simply wants to cancel the order due to product / spec change requirements.  The PO Recall feature allows a buyer to recall an order under certain conditions.


This button is only available with security access.


Feature Summary


NOTE: This feature does not work with POs for:

Recall from Approver

From the PO Tab, select a PO with a status of Approval Pending and click the PO Recall button.

Recall from Supplier 

From the buyer’s PO Tab, select a PO with a status of either:


Click the PO Recall button.

  1. If the PO has a status of Submitted, the PO is Recalled and available in the Buyer’s Recycle Bin.  No notification is sent.

  2. If the PO has a status of Viewed by Supplier or Accepted by Supplier, then an email is sent to the supplier’s email address and/or to their Birch Street Message Inbox (depending on the messaging option selected by the supplier), alerting them that the buyer wishes to recall the PO and asking them to respond to the request accordingly. The supplier is under no obligation to respond to this notification. The buyer can only request a recall once.

  3. The supplier selects the PO from their Supplier PO tab and clicks the Recall Response Button. A window opens where the supplier can accept or reject the recall.

  4. If the supplier selects the Reject PO Recall radio button, the supplier must add a note in the notes window and click Submit. An email is sent to the PO originator’s email address and/or to his Birch Street Message Inbox (depending on the messaging option selected by the buyer) and the note is included in the email and attached to the PO. The PO status does not change and remains in the same status that the PO was in prior to the buyer attempting to recall the PO.

  5. If the supplier selects the Allow PO Recall radio button and clicks the Submit button, the status of the supplier PO is changed to Recalled’.  An email is sent to the buyer.  The buyer PO’s status is changed to Recalled and it is put in the My Recycle Bin PO’s dropdown list. 


    NOTE:  If Budgeting is used and the PO Status was Accepted by Supplier when the PO was recalled, the charge to the budget is reversed out.


  7. After Recalling the PO, the buyer is free to use the items from the recalled PO to create a new PO.  Simply copy the items from the PO in the Recycle Bin to the Cart and create the New PO in the normal manner.

Receive Confirm

The Receive Confirm button is used to quickly enter receiving information for POs that are marked as received in one shipment with the same information.


  1. Select the Confirming PO (indicated with Yes in the Confirm column and font color in red) with a status of Accepted by supplier. (POs are automatically marked as Accepted by Supplier because it is recording the PO after the fact.)

  2. Click on Receive to open the Receive Confirm window.



  4. Enter the requested information for the entire PO. Click Generate Receipt. Partial shipments should be entered via the Receiving Screen.

Resubmit Approvals

With Approvals-on-the-Fly, there may be an occasion when the correct approver was not selected and the buyer wants to resubmit the PO through the approval process again. This button is only available with security access.


  1. Select a PO with the status of Approved or Approved w/Changes and click on Resubmit Apprv.


  3. In the Select Approver window, select the next approver and click OK. The PO will be sent to this person for approval.