Property Profile

The Property Room Profile screen can be loaded by clicking the Property Profile button on the Property tab or by clicking the Edit link next to any item within the Property Profile Status grid. The Property Profile screen is where properties will enter information about their property.

The scrolling list in the left pane contains all the room types available in the system. You may search and filter this list based on a variety of characteristics such as:

1) Room Type Description

2) Room Type

3) Room Category

Room Type Tab

This is where users can specify information such as:

1) The number of rooms being renovated or built

2) The number of exterior windows per room

3) The number of rooms being renovated with specified attributes such as:

i. Desk Chair Count

ii. Wall Covering vs. Paint Options

iii. Are you adding the fire place?

iv. Media Console Size

Note: Items that are grayed out are defined by Corporate, including the Quantity Rule items defined on the Quantity Rules Tab (with the exception of the actual spec quantities).


There are also currently 6 Custom Room Types that can be defined by the properties. Information contained in the Custom Room Type can be edited including:

1) Name of the Custom Room Type

2) Number of Rooms

3) Attributes associated with each room



Quantity Rules Tab

Quantities for each of your items for the Custom Room Types will need to be defined for each Spec on the Quantity Rules Tab. The Quantity Rules Tab will not be active for any room types other than Custom Room Types:


The only information you will be able to edit on the Quantity Rules tab is the Selection Quantities field. You will need to change the quantities for each item if applicable, by either entering the amount directly in the Selection Qty field, or by clicking the Edit Link ( ) next to each spec:


When the detail section of the screen opens, enter the correct quantity for the item in the Selection Quantity field. Once you are done updating the Selection Quantity for a spec, click the OK button.

By default, Selection Quantities for items with options such as the Duvet Covers shown below should be set to ‘1’ if the decision between the two options cannot be made yet.


Note: The final decision between the two options can be made during the Design Selection Process

Some items have a default estimated quantity set, such as the example shown below for the Wall Covering. The purpose of the default estimated quantity is to provide a budget estimate. If the actual quantity is known, it can be entered here or it can be updated on the Order Schedule once the Design Selection Process has been completed.


After you have completed updating all the Selection Quantities, click the Save button in the upper left corner of the right pane:


You will be able to edit the information entered for your room types on the Property Profile screen until an Order Schedule has been generated for your item.


1. If you do not complete the Property Profile screen, you will not be prevented from doing anything else prior to defining this information.

2. Failure to complete this screen first will not prevent you from returning to enter the information at a later point in time as long as no Order Schedule exists for a room type task. However, in order to generate a correct Order Schedule and subsequent Purchase Order, this screen must be completed.

3. Once you complete the Property Profile, you will need to clear any previously created Design Selections using the ‘Start Over’ button on the Design Selection Screen.

4. If you don’t define any Custom Room Types, your status on the Property Tab will show as undefined, which is OK. If you want the status to show as complete, you will need to enter ‘0’ for your Custom Room Quantities.