There are two methods of approval within eProcurement:
Approval On-the-Fly Approvers are selected sequentially. The buyer selects the first approver and subsequent approvers select the next approver. The last approver selects No approver. This ends the process.
Standard Approvals (workflow groups) Approvals are routed through pre-defined groups of one or more approvers. One approver person approves on behalf of the group. The last approver group defined ends the process.
Note: If any one person or group denies approval of the document, the process is ended.
A document can be edited before being approved using the Edit button in the detail grid. The status changes to Approved w/changes.
Note: Many features require security rights. If a tab or button is not visible to you, your position does not have security access.
Approval Details
Allows the approver to see the approval process flow as well as who is the current approver.
Allows the approver to approve a document (RFQ, REQ, PO, AP Invoice, and Recipe). The status changes to Approved or Approved w/changes with the last approver. (For a PO, if the PO submission method is automatic, the PO is automatically sent to the supplier. If manual, Submit must be clicked.)
Budget Impact
Allows the approver to view the budget disbursement for the PO. Options are for This PO only, and for any department for which the approver has security access. Information about the budget, reserve amount, and POs in the approval process is calculated to display a real-time picture of monies available. Included are any “what-if” quantity changes that the approver has made to the document before it is approved. GL account and Department changes made by the approver update the PO immediately on save.
Buyer Contact
Allows the approver to view basic information about the buyer associated with the document.
Allows the approver to stop the approval process and mark the document as Approval Denied. The approver must attach a note as to why the document was disapproved. A Confirming PO cannot be disapproved (the transaction has already taken place).
Header Update
Allows the approver to modify the fields available in the specific document’s window (PO, REQ, RFQ, not available for AP Invoice). Modifications made here will affect the document immediately upon save. (Changes made in the Approval Screen do not take effect until the status of the document is Approved or Approved w/changes.)
Allows the approver to track changes made to selected fields in the document.
Print / View / Edit
Allows the approver to print / view the document at any time or modify it while it is in an Approval pending status. GL account and Department changes made by the approver update the PO immediately on save.
Print w/Budget
Allows the approver to print / view the document at any time or modify it while it is in an Approval pending status with the budget impact information presented at the bottom of the form. Included are any “what-if” quantity changes that the approver has made to the document before it is approved. GL account and Department changes made by the approver update the PO immediately on save.
Click Approval Details to display information about the approval process. Information about the original document is located at the top of the window. Each approver is listed with the date/time and amount of their approval.
Standard Approvals - There can be several people as a group waiting for one person to approve the document, plus the one approver from each group for all the previous entries.
Click Approve after the approver verifies that the document is correct. Make any modifications as necessary before approving.
Note: If time has passed beyond the original Required delivery date, the approver must update the Required delivery date by clicking on Header Update.
Click Approve to open the Select Approver window.
Select the Next Approver’s name or No Approver to end the process.
When No Approver is selected (signifying the last approver), the status changes to Approved or Approved w/changes.
Standard Approvals
Click Approve to open the Select Approver window.
Click OK to continue the approval process.
When all approval groups are satisfied, the status changes to Approved or Approved w/changes with the last approver group.
Note: For a PO, if the PO submission method is automatic, the PO is automatically sent to the supplier with the last approver. Submit must be clicked if the method is annual submission.
There may be the occasion where the approver does not want to advance the PO, even if there were changes that he could make. He wants to disapprove it altogether.
Click Disapprove to open the Notes window.
Enter information to relate back to the buyer as to why this document was disapproved.
Click OK to disapprove the record.
An email notification is sent to the buyer indicating that the document was disapproved with the document number. The note is also attached to the document as an Approver type note.
Note: Confirming POs cannot be disapproved. The purchase has already taken place.
The approver has the ability to view the document as it appears to the buyer and, if it is a PO, as it will be sent to the supplier. He can modify the document before it is returned to the buyer. If no changes are made the status is Approved. If the approver changes it any way or simply saves the records with no changes, the status changes to Approved w/changes.
Click Print/View/Edit to open the form. It has the same General information and detail lines as the buyer’s version.
In the detail section is the Edit Line link that opens a window for editing. Click Edit Line. There are a limited number of things the approver can change here.
Note: Modifications made here will immediately update the buyer’s and approver’s records immediately.
Type or zoom to select a different department or outlet for this item.
If your property is using the budgeting feature, additional GL related fields are visible.