Supplier-On-The-Fly (SOTF)



There are several kinds of suppliers in eProcurement.




SOTF suppliers are available from the Supplier Search window when creating a document. Information entered during SOTF creation is displayed. Note: The supplier type is displayed below the address.




There are two ways to create a SOTF record, from the SOTF Screen or on the Catalogs tab from the front page Supplier Search window.

Supplier-On-The-Fly Screen

Add a SOTF record

  1. Open the Supplier-On-The-Fly Screen from the Main Menu. Procurement > Supplier-On-The Fly

  2. Search for the fax number using the Search Column in the navigation list to insure the fax number is not already being used. Note: Do not rely solely on the supplier name as it may have been changed.

  3. Enter all required fields.

  4. Click Save to save the record.



All information entered here will appear on the fax or emailed document.


Fax Number – Enter the fax number of the supplier with the area code.

Note: Please do not enter space, hyphen, etc. between the numbers.  For example, the number should be entered as "1231231234" and not as "123-123-1234". International numbers are also allowed. See Add International SOTF.


IMPORTANT: The fax number is the key to the record. It is the supplier’s ID number. It is used to identify the SOTF when creating RFQs, REQs, POs and storing items in the Order Guide and Cart. See Modifying a SOTF Record below.



Add an International SOTF

If the SOTF is located outside the US or Canada, there will not be a 10-digit fax number.

  1. Select the Country first. This will allow a free-form field of entry into the Fax Number field. The country will then be disabled.

  2. Enter the Fax Number.

  3. Enter the complete address information in Address lines 1-3 only. The Zip, City and State are not displayed.


Modifying a SOTF record

  1. Open the Supplier-On-The-Fly Screen from the Main Menu. Procurement > Supplier-On-The-Fly

  2. Load the fax number to be modified from the navigation list and all information corresponding to this fax number will be displayed in the appropriate fields. 

  3. Make the required changes (except the Fax number, it is the key to the record).

  4. Click Save to save the record.


Modify the SOTF Fax Number Key

In reality, the SOTF Fax Number is not modified. Follow this procedure to change the Fax Number.

  1. Load the fax number to be modified from the navigation list.

  2. Modify the fax number to the new number.

  3. Click Save to save the record. There will now be two records for the same SOTF supplier.

  4. Load the original fax number from the navigation list using the Search feature.

  5. Click Delete to delete the original fax number. This is important so that in the future, the old record is not selected.





Supplier-On-The-Fly Added During Supplier Search

On the Catalogs tab, while creating non-catalog items, you can do a Supplier Search. If the supplier is not found, you can add it on-the-fly.

  1. From the Catalogs tab, click Select Supplier.

  2. Enter a text search in the Supplier Search box. Click GO.

  3. When the supplier is not found, No Supplier Found is displayed.

  4. Click Add New Supplier. (This button is only available with security access.)


  6. A new window will open. Select the Country (defaults to United States).

  7. Type in the fax number. For the US and Canada, enter only a 10 digit number with no other characters.

  8. Click Search. This is to insure that the same fax number is not already being used.


  10. If the number is already being used, the information will be displayed. Click Cancel.


  12. If it is not already being used, an entry screen similar to the SOTF Screen will appear. It will use the fax number and country already entered.

  13. Complete the remaining information and click Save to save the record.



  15. The newly added SOTF supplier will appear in the Supplier Search window.

  16. Click Select and continue entry as normal to create the document.