
I)     Setup for Birch Street eInventory Module



1)        Create a New Inventory OG

2)        Convert an existing standard OG into an Inventory OG





II)       Process Flow




1)       Creating a Storeroom Requisition (REQ)

2)       Editing REQs (New Status ONLY) –

3)       Submitting a Storeroom REQ through the Approvals Process


1)       Plan Purchases by Outlet (Department)

2)       Plan Purchases by Supplier

3)       Plan Purchases by Outlet and Supplier

4)       Plan Purchases Based on Par

5)       Plan Purchases for all Un-planned REQs

6)       Plan Purchases for all Un-planned REQs for a given date range.

7)        Un-plan a previously “Planned” purchase





III)      Take Inventory

IV)     Reporting





Birch Street’s eInventory module provides the structure for a vast array of Hospitality related inventory functionality with the specific goal of providing true and accurate Cost by Outlet metrics and perpetual inventory valuation at any given point in time.

Feature Outline:


System Dependencies


  1.  Setup for Birch Street eInventory Module



    2. Create new locations for use as storeroom (inventory) locations.  Storerooms are defined locations where inventory is currently being held at the property. A storeroom location can accommodate as many Inventory Order Guides as needed (Step 1.2) but each item from all Inventory OGs that are associated with a storeroom location must be unique (ie. no duplicate items are allowed at the same storeroom location).

      1. Load the Location Screen -- From the Front Page Tab, un-check the Hide Menu checkbox on the LOGO panel to display the Main Menu. Under  Procurement  - > Company Administration  select the Location Screen.

      2. From the Location screen, first make sure that the location you wish to create does not already exist by examining the list of locations in the Navigation List on the left side of the screen.


      4. If the Inventory location does not yet exist, create a new location record with a  Location type = Storeroom . Enter the required data and click Save. Repeat for all Inventory locations desired and then click Close to return to the Front Page Tabs.      NOTE: DO NOT change the Location ID from 0.  The location_id field will pre-populate when the record is first saved.



    4. The Birch Street Inventory module leverages the familiar Order Guide (OG) Tab to manage the Inventory process. A new type of OG, the “Inventory” OG, has been developed to accommodate Inventory items and serve as the “Inventory Master” for a specific Storeroom Location. There are three methods for creating an Inventory OG. The user can (a) create a new OG,  (b) convert an existing standard OG to an Inventory OG or (c) import a new Inventory OG. 

      TIP: An Inventory OG cannot be changed back to a standard OG. In order to create the OG with the items you want, create a standard OG, then modify it until it is exactly as needed. When it is ready, change it from a standard OG to an Inventory OG.

      1. Create a New Inventory OG

      2. Note: To create a new Inventory OG, you must have security access.

        1. From the Order Guide Tab, click Create OG.

        2. Enter the Name of the Inventory OG and click the Inventory OG check box and select the Storeroom Location created in Step 1.1 and click OK.
          Note: to make the inventory OG available to other users (Shared OG), make sure to precede the name with an asterik (*).


        4. Click OK on the message popup the indicates the new Order Guide is created..

        5. The new Inventory OG is displayed.  Notice that the Inventory OG’s name has been appended with an “_IV” to “Golf Course_IV” and the Storeroom location name appears in red.  These are visual indicators that this is a Inventory OG.

      3.  Convert an existing standard OG into an Inventory OG

      You may convert an existing standard OG into an Inventory OG provided that (a) the standard OG does NOT have any duplicate items in it and (b) the storeroom that the OG is to be associated with does not already have any of the same items. (The same item cannot be included in a separate Inventory OG using the same storeroom – No duplicate items are allowed at any one storeroom location).

      1. From the OG tab select an existing standard OG and click Rename OG.


      3. On the Rename OG popup (a) re-enter the Order Guide Name or enter a new name (b) check the Inventory OG Check box and (c) select the appropriate storeroom location for this Inventory OG and click OK.

      4. The original standard OG has been updated and converted to an Inventory OG and has the same visual indicators that it would have had if it was created as a new Inventory OG.  Note:  Once a standard OG has been converted to an Inventory OG it can not be switched back to a standard OG.



      2. Adding Items to Inventory OGs is accomplished through the same methodology used for adding items to standard OGs.  Simply mark the checkbox(es) for the item(s) and click the Add to OG button and select the appropriate Inventory OG. 

        Tip: Items from Punchout PO’s can be added to an Inventory OG via the Cart and/or the Add to OG button on the PO tab.    To add items to Inventory not yet on a PO, simply “shop” for the item on the suppliers site, bring back the item on a PO, and then use the Add to Cart feature before placing the items in the Inventory OG.  You can then delete this PO if desired

        This methodology is accessed via the following Tabs:

        • CATALOG -- via Catalog Search and via Add to OG button

        • CATALOG -- via the Non-Catalog Item Screen and via Add to OG button

        • ORDER GUIDE -- via copying item(s) from a different standard OG

        • CART -- via Add to OG button

        • PO -- via Add to OG button

        • REQ – via Add to OG button


      4. Items can be added to an existing Inventory OG or to a new Inventory OG.

        1. From the Order Guide Tab, click the OG Template button to download a template to enter the inventory data for upload.

        2. Once the download is complete, the template will display in an Excel format worksheet.

      5. Enter the Inventory data into the template as follows:  The values on row 3 of the template indicates the type of data allowed in the field and the length (in parenthesis).  STRING(50) = any alpha/numeric value with a total length, including spaces of 50 characters.  NUMBER(10) = any positive number (including decimals) with a maximum of 10 digits.  Records not conforming to these values will not be uploaded!

      6. .


      TIP:  If you choose NOT to assign Aisle and/or Bin Numbers, make sure to define a Sort Order on this template.  It is absolutely necessary to define the order in which the Take Inventory Count Sheets are sorted so that taking a physical inventory will be an easier, quicker process


      TIP:  The simplest method for loading beginning inventory balances into your inventory module is to add the beginning balances on this template.    If your Finance department requires transaction records in an adjustment log for the beginning balance transactions, then, alternately, leave the On Hand Qty on this tempate blank and upload the beginning Inventory balances via the Take Inventory process (see Later Section)

      1. Upload the Inventory Data

      1. From the Order Guide Tab, click the Import OG button.  Note: If the Inventory OG is shared, only the owner can import items into his own Inventory OGs.

      2. Click on the Select Supplier button






      4. Enter a search value in the Supplier Search field and click GO.

      5. Select the appropriate supplier from the search result set.

      6. The Supplier’s Name is populated on the Import OG popup.  If this is an EXISTING Order Guide, leave the checkbox unmarked, select the appropriate Order Guide from the zoom, and browse and find the file to upload prior to clicking the Submit button.  NOTE:  The Select Order Guide field is populated not by the name of the OG but by the OG’s ID #.


      8. If this is a NEW Order Guide, mark the New Order Guide checkbox. Notice that the screen dynamically changes to accommodate information necessary for the creation of a new OG.


      10. Marking the Inventory Order Guide checkbox dynamically displays another field for specification of the Storeroom Location.  Select the appropriate Location from the drop down list, add a name for the new Inventory OG, select the upload file from where it has been saved on the local computer and click Submit. Note: If this is a shared OG (i.e. other users at the property will use this OG to create Requisitions), prefix the name with an asterisk (*).


      12. The following confirmation is displayed.  NOTE:  All uploaded Order Guides are available the following day. Uploads are monitored by our support team.  If errors are found, then the user providing the upload is contacted .



    Edit existing inventory items from the Order Guide tab with an Inventory type OG loaded. 

    NOTE:  The following buttons are disabled if an Inventory Order Guide is loaded:

                    * DELETE OG
                    * DELETE ITEM
    This is to insure the integrity of the inventory counts.  Please contact
    Birch Street Support to assist with any of these requests.

    1. Edit Item – Access the Edit Item button from the Order Guide tab with the appropriate Inventory OG selected.  Click Save to save any changes.

    2. Edit Items - Catalog Item


      1. Shelf – Enter Shelf/Bin # Information for the item.  

      2. Location – Enter Aisle Location Information for the item.

      3. Issue UOM Code – If the Issue UOM (UOM from the Outlet’s requisiton) is different from the UOM that the item is held in inventory,  enter the Issue UOM Code for this item.

      4. Inv to Issue Conv Factor – If the Issue UOM (UOM from the Outlet’s requisiton) is different from the UOM that the item is held in inventory, enter the conversion factor that relates the two UOMs in question.  For example, if the Inventory item is purchased and held in CS (case) and the Issue UOM is EA (each) and there are 12 EA in 1 CS, then the conv factor equals  .0833 (1 case divided by 12 ea = .0833)

      5. Items per Case - Available for Non-Catalog Items only.  Used to calculate the Inv to Issue Conv Factor for Non-Catalog items.

      6. Edit Items - Non-Catalog Item


      7. Category ID and Sub-Category ID – zoom to select category references from the category hierarchy.  For reporting purposes only.

      8. Dead-Stock Indicator – Checkbox.  For Reporting purposes only.

    3. Order Guide Tab Checkboxes for Inventory

    1. Show REQ UOM – Displays the REQ UOM column where user can override the normal Order UOM in which this item is requisitoned.  When the item is requisitioned from this Inventory OG the Requisition will use the REQ UOM along with the quantity value entered in Order Qty column on the Inventory OG

    2. Note:      The Extension is always displayed using the Price UOM (the Order Qty multiplied by the Price UOM) even though the REQ UOM is different. The Requisition will be created, however, using the price associated with the REQ UOM multiplied by the Order Qty.

    3.  Show Inventory – Displays the On hand Qty, Re-Order Qty and Inv cost columns.  The value entered in the Re-Order Qty field is used to determine the recommended re-order quantity when planning purchases to bring inventory levels back to this quantity.

  3. Process Flow


    With the implemenation of the Inventory module comes a companion module: Requisitions (REQ).  Requisitions are documents that are the pre-cursor to Purchase Orders and are in practice very similar to Purchase Orders within the Birch Street application.  Requisitions can be assigned GL accounts, routed through approvals, etc. in a very similar manner to a PO.  We have modeled the Birch Street Requisiton module after the typical process used by full service properties to requisition items for various outlets from a central storeroom.  A user at the outlet determines that he needs 5 widgets from the storeroom and creates a requisiton in Birch Street for these items.  The storeroom will attempt to fulfill this requisition from inventory stock.  If there is less than the required amount of items in inventory, then a purchase order is created for the specified quantity, or a calculated difference plus any quantity necessary to bring the on-hand-quantity back up to the Re-order Quantity.  The following section outlines in more detail the Requisition process.


    2. For a User to place items on a REQ to be fulfilled, the items must be Inventory (IV) Items.  If an item placed on a REQ is not yet an IV Item, then the planning process for that REQ will create the item as a new IV Item.  The easiest method for a REQ User to store and maintain a list of IV Items to be Requistioned is on a “REQ User Order Guide”

      1. From the Order Guide Tab, select the Create OG button.

      2. Enter a Name (For Shared use, prefix the name with an asterik (*)) and mark the checkbox labeled: Inventory Items

      3. The “REQ User OG” is created and the Order Guide tab preloads with the new “empty” OG.   NOTE: There is no Storeroom location assigned to the REQ User OG until the first item is added.




    4. For an Item to be added to a REQ User OG, it must be an existing IV item in an IV OG.  See Steps 1.3.1 for details on adding items to an IV OG.

      1. From an existing IV OG, select the items to be added to the REQ User OG and click the Copy Item button.

      2. Select the appropriate REQ User OG (created in step 2.1).  Only REQ User Order Guides are available for selection in this popup.

      3. The selected Items are added to the REQ User OG.  NOTE:  The items in one REQ User OG must all be from the same Storeroom Location.  The storeroom location is determined by the storeroom location of the first item added to the REQ User OG.




      1. Creating a Storeroom Requisition (REQ)

        1. From the Order Guide Tab, select the appropriate Inventory OG or REQ User OG. Click on the Show REQ UOM checkbox to display the REQ UOM. The REQ UOM will override the Order UOM.  NOTE: The REQ UOM is the UOM in which the Requisitioner requests the item.  The Order UOM  is the UOM in which the Storeroom Clerk places the order with the supplier.

          Select the items to be placed on the REQ, add the quantities in REQ UOM and click Create REQ. Note: Multiple suppliers’ items can be added to one REQ.


        3. On the Create REQ popup, add the Required data including the following and click OK :

          • Required Delivery Date

          • Approver (if Required)

          • Purchase Type -- Food, Beverage or General

          • Department. Note:  If Budeting is being used,  the Department drives the list of available GLaccounts  against which this Requisition will  be charged.  This will default to the user’s primary Dept code.

          • GLAccount  Note:  Required only if Budgeting is being used.

          • REQ Type – Always “Storeroom”

          • Storeroom Location – Defaults from the Order Guide or select from the dropdown, the appropriate storeroom from which that the item is being requisitioned. Note: If this item is not already in the selected storeroom, THE ITEM WILL BE ADDED to the storeroom.

          • BEO Number – (Optional, Informational only)

          • Pickup or Deliver  – (Optional, Informational only)

          • Delivery Time – (Optional, Informational only)

          • Use Tax % - Yes, use %, No, use flat amount - (Optional)

          • Tax – either the % or flat amount - (Optional)

          • Use Freight % - Yes, use %, No, use flat amount – (Optional)

          • Freight – either the % or flat amount – (Optional)

          Note: Depending on your property’s settings, the Tax and Freight will be used/not used in calculating the inventory costs to the outlet.

        4. The REQ is created – click OK


        6. The application takes the user to the REQ tab and filters and displays the newly created REQ


      2. Editing REQs (New Status ONLY) –

        1. Editing REQ Header information

          1. From the REQ Tab, locate and select the  REQ and click the Header Update button


          3. From the REQ Header Update popup edit the required data and click OK

        2. Editing Line Items

        1. From the REQ Tab, locate and select the  REQ and click the Print / View / Edit button

        2. From the “Print View/Edit” display of the REQ, scroll to the line item section and click the “Edit Line” link.

        3. For a Catalog Item, on the Edit Line popup, edit the quantity, department and/or GLaccount.  To Delete the line item, click the Delete button. Click Save to save any changes made. Note: Make any final changes to budgeting information while the REQ has a status of ‘New.’ You cannot change the budgeting information at the time of PO submission.  The budget is decremented during the Fulfillment process of the REQ.

        4. For a non-catalog item, on the Edit Line popup, edit any of fields (except the Tax Exempt field). Note: By changing the Item # you will create a new item.  To Delete the line item, click the Delete button. Click Save to save any changes made.  

      3. Submitting a Storeroom REQ through the Approvals Process

      1. From the REQ tab, select the REQ (must be in “New” status) and click the Submit button.  After refreshing the tab, the status will change to Approval Pending, if the property is using the Approval feature.

      2. A message will pop indicating that the REQ has been submitted. Click OK

      3. The new status of the REQ will be “Approval Pending”


      5. The Approver may edit the REQ in all the same ways that he can edit a PO using the Edit button on the Approval grid for quantity and product substitution and the Print/View/Edit button for GL account and Department changes.

      6. After the Approver has approved the REQ and the requisitioner has submitted the REQ to the storeroom, the status of the REQ will be updated to “Awaiting Fulfillment.” Only REQs with the status of “Awaiting Fulfillment” will be included in the Plan Purchases process.




    7. The Plan Purchases functionality is at the heart of the Birch Street Inventory module.  Plan Purchases allows for the generation of Purchase Orders from aggregate Requisition data as well as on hand quantity and in route shipment information. Planning of Purchases must be done SEPARATELY for each storeroom location. 

      Note: To Plan purchases, you must have security access.

      Purchasing Users may plan purchases in any of the 6 different Plan purchases methods : 

      * By Outlet
      * By Supplier
      * By Outlet and Supplier
      * All Items for this Storeroom based on Par Quantities
      * All Unplanned REQ items for this Storeroom
      * All Unplanned REQ items for this Storeroom for a given Delivery Date Range

      If there is an item that is not in an Inventory Order Guide already and a storeroom REQ is created from the Product Search or non-catalog item, the new item will automatically be put into the first Inventory OG associated with the defined storeroom location when the Plan Purchases is run.

      1. Plan Purchases by Outlet (Department)

        1. From the REQ tab, click on the Plan Purchases button.

        2. From the Plan Purchases popup,  select the appropriate Storeroom location and the Outlet and click the Generate Items button.


        4. The popup will dynamically display the following Plan Purchases grid.  The grid displays all the items on REQs with a status of “Awaiting Fulfillment”  for this outlet, regardless if there is sufficient quantity on hand to fulfill the REQ.


        6. The Plan Purchases grid has 5 quantity columns that the application uses to calculate a Suggested Qty for Purchase.  The Order quantity gets pre-populated with the calculated suggested quantity but can be overwritten at the user’s option.

          • Planned Qty – This is the quantity of this item that has been previously planned for purchase from an REQ but which has yet to be fulfilled to the outlet.

          • REQ Qty – This is the quantity of this item that is on un-planned requisitions.

          • Re-Ord Qty – The Re-Order quantity is the amount of this item that is desired to maintain a Par Inventory level. This Qty is displayed and edited on the Order Guide tab when the ‘Show Inventory’ checkbox is selected.

          • OnHand Qty – This is the current On-Hand Qty for this item in Inventory.

          • On Order Qty – This is the quantity of this item that is on order but yet to be received from the supplier.

          • Sugg Qty – The suggested quantity is calculated as follows:  Planned Qty + REQ Qty + ReOrd Qty – OnHand Qty – OnOrder Qty

        7. Items must be selected to be planned by either creating a PO or marking the item as planned. The Planned Purchases Action Buttons are as follows:

        • Select All -  Selects all items in the Plan Purchases grid.

        • Clear All – Clears all the selected items in the grid.

        • Set Items to Planned – Sets all checked items on the REQ(s) to planned.  Do NOT set an item to “Planned” if the item is to be included on a Purchase order (step Marking an item as “planned” increases the planned quantity for this  item and prevents this REQ's item from being included in any subsequent Plan Purchases list creation.  Possible reasons for using the “set items to planned” feature are if the item’s inventory on hand quantity is off or the storeroom user is planning purchase after-the-fact – meaning the REQ has already been fulfilled. 

        • Create PO –  Sets the marked Requistion items to planned and begins the PO Creation process.  This follows the same process as PO’s created from Catalog Content or a standard OG except that no budgeting information is collected at the PO level.  Budgeting information is processed via the fulfillment of the REQ.  If an item has been mistakenly set to planned (step , it may still be included on a PO by marking it again and using the Create PO button.

        • Print – Prints the Plan Purchases grid.

        • Close – Closes/Cancels the Plan purchases process.

      2. Plan Purchases by Supplier

        1. From the REQ tab, click on the Plan Purchases button.



        3. For Suppliers with Catalog Content in the system, select the appropriate Storeroom location and zoom and select the appropriate supplier. For SOTF Suppliers enter or zoom for the suppliers Fax#.  Click the Generate Items button.


          Adopted/Catalog Supplier


          SOTF Supplier


        5. Generate Items will dynamically display the following Plan Purchases grid.  The grid displays all the items on REQs with a status of “Awaiting Fulfillment”  and are still ‘Unplanned’ for this Supplier, regardless if there is sufficient quantity on hand to fulfill the REQ. Note: Items are expressed in the Order UOM. If the Requisition is using the REQ UOM, the quantity will be automatically converted to Order UOM so as to aggregate other REQs and be in a UOM acceptable to the Supplier.



        7. Check items to be purchased, enter/edit order quantities and click Create PO as described above in section and  NOTE:  When planning purchases for an entire storeroom,  items are not set to planned because they are not associated with any specific REQ.

      3. Plan Purchases by Outlet and Supplier

        1. This method combines both the Supplier and Outlet variables to plan purchases for a narrower set of items, (ie.  Only items from REQs for a specific outlet and from a specific supplier will be included in the planning).

        2. In the Plan Purchases popup simply enter both the Outlet and the Supplier information prior to clicking Generate Items.

      4. Plan Purchases Based on Par

      5. Plan Purchases for all items in a Storeroom based on replenishing up to the “Re-order” quantity.  NOTE: The Re-order quantity is defined on the OG tab when an Inventory OG is loaded and the Show Inventory box is checked.

        1. From the REQ tab, click on the Plan Purchases button.


        3. From the Plan Purchases pop-up,  mark the All Items Based on Re-Order Quantity checkbox and click the Generate Items button. This will generate items where the Re-Order Quantity is not sufficient even if there are no REQs specifically created for an item.


        5. The pop-up will dynamically display the following Plan Purchases grid.  The grid displays all the items in the selected storeroom where the Re-Order Qty for the item in the associated Inventory OG is greater than zero.


        7. Check items to be purchased, enter/edit order quantities and click Create PO as described above in section and  NOTE:  When planning purchases for an entire storeroom,  items are not set to planned because they are not associated with any specific REQ.

      6. Plan Purchases for all Un-planned REQs

        1. From the REQ tab, click on the Plan Purchases button.


        3. From the Plan Purchases popup,  mark the All un-planned REQ items checkbox and click the Generate Items button.


        5. The popup will dynamically display the following Plan Purchases grid. The grid displays all the un-planned items in the selected storeroom, regardless of the outlet requesting them.

        6. Check items to be planned or purchased, enter/edit order quantities and click either Set Items to planned  and/or Create PO as described above in section and

      7. Plan Purchases for all Un-planned REQs for a given date range.

        1. From the REQ tab, click on the Plan Purchases button.

        2. From the Plan Purchases popup,  mark the Un-planned REQ’s with Req Delivery Date From/Thru checkbox, enter or select the From/Thru dates you wish to plan purchases and click the Generate Items button.


        4. The popup will dynamically display the following Plan Purchases grid.  The grid displays all the un-planned items in the selected storeroom and which have a required delivery date that falls within the date range provided, regardless of the outlet requesting them.

        5. Check items to be planned or purchased, enter/edit order quantities and click either Set Items to planned and/or Create PO as described above in section and

      8. Un-plan a previously “Planned” purchase

      This is accomplished via edit line link on the REQ’s print view.  There may arise a situation where an item is marked as ‘Planned’ in error. Use the following steps to unplan an item. Note: To Unplan an item, you must have security access.


      1. From the REQ Tab, select the REQ with the item which needs to be “unplanned” and click the Print/View/Edit button.


      3. Select the line item from the REQ that needs to be unplanned and click the Edit Line link next to it.


      5. Click the Unplan button.  NOTE:  This will allow the item from this requisition to appear in the Plan Purchases window again.


      7. Close the “Print/View/Edit” window


    9. Items from Punchout vendors can be added to Inventory (Section 1.3.1).  These items can be put on REQs in the normal process that can be planned for purchase.  Because of the nature of a Punchout, these items CANNOT be put on a PO within Birch Street.  The initial “shopping” must be done on the Punchout site, first and then the supplier’s punchout system transmits the PO back into Birch Street.  Complete the following procedures to convert a Standard Punchout PO into a Storeroom Punchout PO.

      1. Buyers will create and submit the REQ with Punchout items in the normal manner (Section 2.1). (This assumes the Punchout item is already in an Inventory OG.)

      2. From the Planned Purchases Window, select items from the Punchout vendor and Print the Plan Purchases popup.  This printout will be used to do your shopping from while on the Punchout site.


      4. Note: If the user tries to Create a PO from these items the following message is displayed. Click the OK button.


      6. Click the Set Items to Planned button since you will not be creating a PO from the Plan Purchases window. The following message will be displayed.  Click the OK button. 


      8.  The following message is displayed.  Click OK to continue. 


      10. Using the Printout from the Plan Purchases pop-up (Section 2.3.2), click the logo’d Punchout Link on the Catalog tab.  Shop and checkout from the Punchout site bringing back the Punchout PO into Birch Street. From the PO Tab, select the Punchout PO and click the Header Update button.

      11. On the Header Update pop-up, select the PO Type drop down and select the Storeroom option. 

        NOTE:  If the
        PO Type is not set to “Storeroom,” then the Receiving event for this PO will NOT update the inventory balances.


      13. Notice that the Department and GL Account fields will be hidden when the value “Storeroom” is selected.  Storeroom PO’s do not consume any budget amounts until the REQ associated with the PO is fulfilled.


      15. Save and submit the PO back to the Punchout Supplier in the normal manner.


    11. REQs can be fulfilled at anytime after the items on the REQ have been set to planned. Items need not have a positive on hand balance to be fullfilled as Inventory balances can go negative.

      NOTE: On hand quantities for items are incremented when the item is marked as received during the receiving process. For the fulfillment process to use the up-to-date cost information, items must be received in the system prior to being fulfilled.


      1. From the REQ tab, click on the Fulfill REQ button.

      2. On the Fulfill REQ popup, enter the following required and optional data and click Generate Items.


        • Storeroom Location – This is the storeroom from which the item(s) will be fulfilled.  -- REQUIRED

        • Outlet Name – This is the department from which the items will be delivered /picked up – REQUIRED

        • Required Delivery Date – Check this checkbox if only fulfilling REQs within a specific date range as identified in the From Date and  Thru Date fields. – Optional

        • Pickup or Delivery fields – This info is Optional. The Fulfill List can be printed with this information.


      4. The Fulfill REQ popup dynamically displays all the items on any REQs with planned items that have yet to be fulfilled for the selected outlet (step


        • The Fulfill All Items button will select all items in the grid and auto-populate the Fulfill Qty field in the grid with the Issue Qty  field that is populated from the Requested Quantity for the item from the REQ.  NOTE:  The Fulfill Qty field is editable so the user may override this value if desired.

        • The Clear All button will clear all values in the Select Item and Fulfill Qty fields.

        • The Update REQs button updates the selected items with details regarding the fulfilment being processed maintaining any open or unfulfilled line items on the REQ. This updates the REQ status to Completely or Partially Fulfilled and decrements on inventory on hand quantity.

        • The Cancel Qty field in the grid allows the user to effectively close all or part of the quantity for a specific requisitioned line item.

        • The Sub Item fields allow for the user to substitute one item for the requisitioned item by marking the checking box, filling in the descriptive data in the Sub Item # and Sub Item Desc fields and entering the unit price for the substitute item in the Sub Item Price field. By using the Sub Item fields, the original REQ is fulfilled using the substitute item. If an existing supplier item is used and is found in the Inventory OG, its On hand qty will be decremented. If a new non-catalog item is used, it will be added to the Inventory OG and decremented. Note: the Substitute item should be listed in the same Issue UOM as the original REQ.

        Note: Fulfilling a Substitute item and the Original item must be done in two different fulfillment events because the Fulfill Qty field is used for both items.

      6. Fill in the Grid with the required data and click on the Update REQs button to process the fulfillment transaction. The REQ item is marked as fulfilled for the specified quantity and the On hand qty displayed on the Order Guide tab is reduced by that same amount.


    13. Inventory Transfers can be processed to and from both Storeroom and Outlets at the property.  Transfers can be made from Storeroom to Storeroom, Outlet to Outlet, Storeroom to Outlet or Outlet to Storeroom. 

      Note: To access the Inventory transfer feature, you must have security access.

      All transfers that include an outlet (either TO or FROM) will generate a budget transaction effectively charging or reversing the charge associated with the transfer to or from the outlet.  If Transferring TO a Storeroom, and the item does NOT already exist in that storeroom, then the Application will create the item in the destination storeroom automatically.

      1. From the Order Guide tab with the appropriate Inventory OG loaded, select the item to be transferred and click on the Inv Transfer button. Note:  This button is also available for use from the Cart Tab for Inventory Items placed into the Cart. However, items in the Cart that do not match the ‘Transfer From’ storeroom will not be included in the transfer.


      3. The Transfer Inventory popup will be displayed. Enter the Tranfer from and Transfer to information and the appropriate budgeting information if budeting is being used and click Submit. A budget Adjustment record is created. Note: A transfer from Storeroom to Storeroom updates the Onhand Qty but there is no budget impact so the Use Budgeting portion does not need to be populated.


      5. The system will display the following message indicating a succesful transfer.



    The Inventory Adjustment screen provides selected users with access to be able to enter Inventory transactions to adjust either the quantity of an item or the item’s last[EM1]  price (used for inventory valuations).  Most Inventory transactions are created through normal functionality – Receiving, Inventory Transfers, REQ fulfillment, Physical Inventory,  etc.  The Inventory Adjustment screen is designed to provide adjustments that fall outside the realm of these transactions.   Adjustments must be done on an “item-by-item” basis.

    1. Access the Inventory Adjustment screen via the Main menu.  From the Front Page, uncheck the Hide Menu checkbox and select Procurement -> Inventory – Inventory Adjustments Note: To access the Inventory Adjustments entry screen, you must have security access.

    2. To create a new inventory transaction, click the New button, enter the required data and click Save.  NOTE: The Inventory Adjustment screen displays many system generated inventory transactions in the Nav List.


    1.  “Adjust on hand qty by” field will either add or substract this quantity to the on hand quantity as displayed on the Order Guide front page tab. Note: The quantity in the “Adjust on hand qty by” field does not replace the existing quantity, it is the difference between what it is currently and what it should be. 

    2. “Inv Cost” replaces the system generated Inv Cost as displayed on the Order Guide tab.






  5. Take Inventory 


    The Take Inventory feature provides for a physical inventory count and should be used at a time when transaction processing can be put on hold. Inventory transactions, to and from the storeroom in question, cannot be processed while inventory is being taken. Note: To access the featuresTake Inventory, Import Inventory, Cancel Inventory, you must have security access.

    1. From the Order Guide tab click the Take Inventory button.


    3. The Take Inventory  popup is displayed.  Zoom and enter the Storeroom Location ID # and click  Go.  This storeroom ID# may be typed into the Filter Value 1 field if known to the user.   

      NOTE: When Taking Inventory for a storeroom, after the Take Inventory template is downloaded, the following activities cannot be processed for that storeroom: Plan Purchases, Fulfillment of Requisitions, Receiving, Inventory Transfers (either “to” or “from”) until 15 minutes after  the Take Inventory upload is processed into the system OR until after the “Cancel Inv” button is clicked.



    5. The following Excel .csv file template will be displayed.  Enter the actual Inventory Count information in the last column on the right and save the file as a .csv file type to be uploaded.  Any deivation from the on-hand qty for an item will create an Inventory Adjustment transaction in the system and adjust the on-hand qty for that item up or down.


    7. To upload the Physical Inventory Count go to the Order Guide tab and click on the Import Inv button. 


    9. Browse and select the .csv file saved in step 3.3, load the file and click Submit.


    11.  The storeroom will not be available for processing until 15 minutes after  the Take Inventory upload is processed into the system.

    12. To Cancel a Physical Inventory count that is in process, click the Cancel Inv button on the OG tab.  This will stop the physical inventory process and make the storeroom available for processing.  If the Cancel Inv button is selected after the upload of the physcial count but before the back end processing to handle the Inventory adjustment has completed, the physical counts that have been uploaded will be ignored.




  7. Reporting  


The eInventory system has a wide variety of reports available for use in managing inventory.


    1. From the Logo Panel on the Front Page, un-check the Hide Menu checkbox to display the Main Menu.

    2. Select   Procurement -> Inventory -> Reports from the Main Menu.  A list of the available Inventory Reports will be displayed.  Select the appropriate report and enter the report and output parameters in the same manner as any other eProcurement report.




  1. Average Price Report:       Provides product level Average price data

  2. Item # Usage Report: Used for price volatility analysis and quantity usage analysis

  3. Budget Status ReportProvides budget level detail on Purchasing actitivites

  4. Item Bin Cards ReportProduct history report to develop pars and seasonal pars

  5. Category Master File ListingList of all Categories        

  6. Product Master File ListingItem Listing

  7. Dept. Summary Usage Analysis: Used for analyzing product purchasing trends by Dept

  8. Purchase Order ReportDetail Listing of Purchasing by Line Item

  9. Expediting Detail ReportListing of PO’s used for Expediting Delivery of PO’s

  10. Receiving Detail ReportDetail Listing of Receiving Activity

  11. Inventory Extension Report :  Used to Calculate F& B cost – Run after a physical Inventory is taken         

  12. Receiving Report by PODetail Listing of Receiving Activity by PO

  13. Inventory Item Turns ReportQuantifies Inventory turns by item. Also can be used for Dead Stock Reporting        

  14. Storeroom Requisition Report:  Detail listing of Items originating on Storeroom Requistions.

  15. Inventory Sheet Report:    Listing of Inventory Items with Item detail and location information

  16. Inventory Supplier Purchases:   Summary of Inventory purchases by supplier

  17. Summary Project HistorySummarizes purchasing activity by GL code and Period.

  18. Inventory Transfer Recap ReportDetails transfer activity to and from Storerooms and Outlets.




 [EM1]Change to inventory cost