Edward Don & Company
Electronic Ordering Instructions
Hilton Hotels
Placing an Order ....1
Order Guide ...2
Order History. 3
Out of Stock Indicator . ..5
Submitting an Order in Birch Street ..5
Order Acknowledgement . .7
E-mail Confirmation. .6
Changing Your Order.. ..6
Clearing the Order Form ...6
Saving Your Order ....8
Tracking Your Orders ...9
Searching for Products .10
Search & Compare Products 11
Returning Products ...12
Creating a Favorites List ..14
Add Item to Your Favorites List ..16
Sorting Your Favorites List ..18
Printing Your Favorites List ... ..19
Deleting Items from Your Favorites List . .20
Contact Us . 21
If you have questions about our web site, please contact our Customer Service Department at 800-777-4366. Our hours of operation are 8:00 AM to 6:00PM (CST).
Or, you can e-mail us at customerservice@don.com
Accessing the Edward Don & Company Web Site
Log into Birch Street and click on the Edward Don link on the catalog tab.
To begin placing an order, click on Place Orders
Order Guide is the approved list of items selected by your corporate office. Each product category on the template must be opened in order to select the items. Not all locations will have an assigned order guide.
Placing an Order Cont.
Favorites List is a user defined list of the most often ordered products. If there are more than 40 items on the favorites list, the user will be directed to click on the multiple pages to view additional favorites. Each person can maintain one favorites list. For more information, please see Maintaining Your Favorites List.
Order History is a 13 month history of the items purchased for your location. Each product category in Order History must be opened to view the items.
When you have finished entering the order quantity, scroll down the page and click on the Add to Order Form button.
Once you have selected an ordering method, enter the quantity in the Order qty. column.
At this point you can choose to do any one of the following:
Clear form delete all the items from the current order.
Remove items selected boxes will be removed from the order form.
Update the order updates any changes you have made to the order.
Save order saves the order to be sent at a later time. Click on Place order to retrieve the saved order.
Continue ordering returns the user to the ordering screen.
Your selected products will appear on the Order Form along with the order total. To continue ordering items, click on the continue ordering button. Or, click on complete order to finish the order.
Not in Stock
To submit the order, click on Send Order
After submitting the shopping cart within the Edward Don punchout, the buyer is returned back to their Birch Street PO tab and the newly created Purchase Order.
IMPORTANT - Once the PO has been created in Birch Street, you must Submit the order back to Edward Don for the order to be processed by Edward Don. The PO status will change from New to Submitted to Supplier or Submitted for Approval (only for those hotels using the electronic approval process).
Once Edward Don has successfully received the submitted order from Birch Street, the PO status will change from Submitted to Accepted by Supplier
An Order Confirmation will be e-mailed to you once the order is approved and sent to Edward Don. The confirmation gives you further information about any stock shortages and the expected date of delivery. Generally the confirmation is returned within 15 minutes after the order is approved. An example of the confirmation is pictured below.
You can Change Your Saved Order in the punchout prior to submitting the order to Birch Street. Once the order is submitted to Birch Street, please contact our Customer Service Department to make changes.
Open the existing order and click on clear form.
Saving an Order can be done at the end of the order by clicking on the save order button. Orders can be created and saved for your review and be sent at a later time. Saved orders remain in the system for 2 weeks. If after 2 weeks the order has not been sent, it is deleted from our system.
To save the order, click on the save order button.
When the save order screen opens, enter an order title and click on the save order button again. The order title
enables different users to save orders in the same property.
To open a saved order, start a session on Don.com, click on Place orders then click on saved orders. Now click on the order title
Note: A saved order can be reopened and saved as often as necessary.
Next, click on Track Orders
You can select a date from 0 to 360 days by clicking on the date range.
Or you can enter your PO number, our order number or the acknowledgement number and click on track orders to display that specific order.
If multiple items with various characteristics are found, you will be prompted to select the type of material and size of the item.
A Search and Compare can be made for any type of product. You can make an informed purchasing decision by comparing up to three products.
To conduct a search and compare, enter a description in the search box and click on the GO button.
Returns can be entered on the web site up to 30 days from the day of delivery. If the order is older than 30 days, please contact our Customer Service department to process the return.
To process a return, click on My Account.
Click on Returns.
Orders with pending returns will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Returns Cont:
The Acknowledgement screen displays the RA number and the status of the return. The return can be edited until the product is picked up. To edit a return, click on edit return. At this point you can add or delete items from the return
Creating a Favorites List
The Favorites List is a list of products you most often purchase. The benefit of using a favorites list is the user can see at a glance their most purchased items. Less purchased items be ordered using order history. If you do not have Favorites List, you can create one by following these steps:
Click on Place Orders.
Recreating a Favorites List
You can recreate your favorites list by deleting all the item from the list.
Click on Place Orders to open your favorites list. Check every box in the remove column.
Adding Items to Your Favorites List from History
To add items to the favorites list, click on Place Orders
Click on Order History and open each category.
Adding Items to the Favorites List from Search
Once you find the correct item click on the thumb nail image.
Sorting the Favorites List
Items in your Favorites List can be sorted in any order.
Printing Your Favorites List
Your favorites list can be printed.
Deleting Items from the Favorites List
Items can be removed from your Favorites List.
Clicking on Contact us enables you to:
Please be sure to include your correct e-mail address.